Both sides have teams that negotiate these deals. It’s generally referred to as the content acquisition or distribution teams. These are mostly MBAs and lawyers and are often some of the top business-skill people in a media organization.
Negotiating these deals can be pretty long and arduous, depending on how far the sides are apart on money and other terms. Or they can be quick if they aren’t that far apart.
In some cases, bidding wars happen if multiple services all want the same content. Netflix has often won many of these… unfortunately to their detriment of overpaying. Netflix was often known as one of if not the worst media company at doing deals as they basically had a blank check and overpaid vastly for a lot of content… aka “the winners curse”. You won the auction because you bid more than it was worth and everyone else knew better.
As for transferring it. Generally media is just sent via fiber. So yeah. Basically you upload/download the finished product.
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