How are Vector images “lossless”?

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Like, Vector images are made of separate shapes instead of pixels, but how does it produce an image on a screen if the screen is covered in pixels?

In: Technology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

2 things.

1. A vector image is just an image where instead of storing what pixels are what color, you store the information about the shapes and lines in non-absolute terms. So instead of a 800×800 px image, you have an image that starts at 0%,0% and goes all the way to 100%, 100%.
2. The computer program turns that information into pixels by just translating the relative positions into absolute terms. So an 800×800 image where a line starts at 50% would mean it starts at 400×400. If you want a 5kx5k image, the line starts at 2500 px instead of 800

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