How are we able to eat a different food group after indulging in another?


As in, how can get full and sickly from deserts but then quite easily eat something savoury (and vice versa).

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A couple of reasons all working together:

* Hunger and fullness are more psychological than biomechanical, because they depend more on hormone responses than a physical measurement of your stomach contents. Your appetite depend on your mindset.
* Your brain loves novelty and hates excessive repetition, especially when it comes to food.
* Your brain also associates certain tastes with certain nutrients, so it craves what you are lacking.
* Your taste receptors can become physically overloaded by excessive flavor (like any nerves can be overstimulated). Eating unrelated foods can scrape or dissolve the excess flavor away and allow your senses to reset and reset.

Put it all together and your objections to eating more of one food generally don’t apply to other foods until you’re at your absolutely limit.