How are we able to manually change our eye focus on demand, when most of the time it happens automatically?


How are we able to manually change our eye focus on demand, when most of the time it happens automatically?

In: 5

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you don’t need any glasses, the distance will be sharp and hard to get blurry.

As object get closer we need to adjust (create plus) to get the light on our retina. On 40 cm we need about +2.50 diopters.
We do that with the muscles around our eye and change the lens in our eye. Since you can relax muscles, you can let go of the adjustment. You can also play around and focus on non existing objects.

But you will notice that it will be very hard to do that in distance, unless you are hypermetropic (need a plus prescription for distance).

My eye related technical English isn’t perfect. Sorry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

when you’re adjusting the focus of you’re eyes manually, you’re just flexing the muscles in and around your eye. it’s not so different from showing off your bicep

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans have an **autonomic nervous system** that controls bodily functions and muscles automatically. They also have a **somatic nervous system** that allows conscious control of muscles.

Some muscles are controlled by both – we breathe automatically, but we can also take a deep breath, exhale, or hold our breath. We blink automatically, but can also blink/wink when we wish. Eye focus muscles is also one of those that mostly work automatically, but we also have somatic control over.