How are we able to wake up 1 or 2 minutes before the alarm? How does our bodies know what time it is?


How are we able to wake up 1 or 2 minutes before the alarm? How does our bodies know what time it is?

In: 53

6 Answers

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Name two things that have happened to you in the past. Now can you say which happened first and which happened afterwards? Of course youcan. We are aware of time. I started teaching in 1961 andnewever owned a watch, tha classrooms had no clocks, and Inoticed I always paused toask a pupil What what time is it?and Always it was a couple ofminutes eofe the bell- exact time to start collecting up the pencils and remind abouthomework. Resraech the srudent who proved that chickenscould tell when it wwas feedinfg time.

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