How are we able to wake up 1 or 2 minutes before the alarm? How does our bodies know what time it is?


How are we able to wake up 1 or 2 minutes before the alarm? How does our bodies know what time it is?

In: 53

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re not dead. Your body and brain are still functioning. They just turned you off for a while while they did repairs.

People do all sorts of things while sleeping. Talk to others, reposition, scratch, look around, undress or wrap the blankets around them depending on temperature and the social circumstance.

You are part of your brain, not vice versa. It does stuff all the time without you knowing. Everything from catching something before you realize it was dropped, to processing ideas in the background and suddenly telling you the conclusion, playing back conversations or anticipating interactions, playing music on repeat, identifying and listening for important sounds and alerting you in a “Wait, was that a crash? I wasn’t paying attention.” sort of way.

Your brain is like a sidekick. Or maybe you’re the sidekick. I don’t know. Point is that there is more to you than just what you’re currently conscious of.

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