How are we limited in our athletic progression



I was wondering what are the limiting factors in our progression in one sport.

If individuals train the same way what are the reasons they do not reach the same level.

Could all athletes with the right training reach the same level ? If not what is the limiting factor and why ?

In: 4

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s some really obvious mechanical things – someone who is 5 foot tall isn’t going to be able to lift as much as someone who is 6 ft even if they have the same training to achieve muscle mass – there’s not the mechanical leverage or the space to grow the muscles as big.

Then we get to more subtle often genetic / metabolic things. Michael Phelps for example has a genetic mutation that means he produces half as much lactic acid (a major cause of muscle pain and fatigue) when he exercises – you can’t train your body to do that, its just luck of genetics, he’ll always have less muscle fatigue than someone without this mutation. There are a lot of similar maybe less dramatic genetic advantages that may help some athletes tire less, or build muscle faster etc.

Some people have advantages that suit different sports, and some sports favor different abilities, but we’re not all starting on the same baseline of body mechanics or biology.

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