How are well-preserved prehistoric animals stuck in permafrost?


How did they freeze before they rotted and never thaw in that one location?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re specifically animals from the last ice age, when much of the far northern hemisphere was covered in glaciers.

These animals migrated north in the summer to graze the bits of exposed tundra, and then likely headed back south before winter made the land completely inhospitable again.

If an individual died in the fall when it had already dropped below freezing again, it would remain below freezing for the duration of a long and dark northern ice age winter. That gives the corpse many months to get buried in snow that eventually gets compacted into a glacier.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When an animal dies in a very cold location, the decomposition slows down dramatically.

And if it snows, and buries the body, its highly likely the body will just be frozen with the snow.