Treat females like shit, and what do they expect? Lots of Korean children were adopted out of country because unless they were listed in the child’s father’s book of last names, these kids born to single mothers were without status as far as schools, jobs, etc., so they did not have the opportunity to be successful.
Didn’t hurt the fathers so much, but the mothers suffered. The country is misogynistic. Live in a place where you are not treated as an equal? Fuck- why should they reproduce?
And, yes, it is going to happen all over. It will be terrible for a generation or two or three, but the world’s population needs to decrease. Oh no! Cry some: technology can manage to feed even more people than we already have. Well, folks, it ain’t just about feeding miserable people. It’s about life on planet earth as a whole. Yes, even the insects! How many people can you stuff into a car? Why would you want to?
South Korea is only the beginning. Gee, it will be a different world with women having equal control, won’t it?
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