how birds, bees and other small flying creatures remember their path back to nest? No roads, no boards, no directions, still able to reach home daily after few miles of search for food.


*after flying few miles

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Roadnames and signs and stuff are not the only landmarks available for navigation.

Imagine yourself in russia with all the street name,signs and directions in unreadable characters. You would chose different things as landmarks, like that big tree down the block, or the funny looking house around the corner and stuff like that. Or the small river a few minutes walk past the big tree.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Insects and birds both have memory. They can navigate with many of the same senses you and I have, sight or smell etc. Combine that with other senses that are species specific and they have plenty of means to identify the way home.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some birds and insects have been found to be sensitive to the earth’ s magnetic field. They have built in compasses.