how ‘bots’ work


For example, the bots that leave weird comments all over Youtube. I don’t really understand what these are.

Just bear with my stupidity here…

So a person had to create/program these bots, right? Does the person control the bot, or at least follow/keep tabs on the bot to see where it’s going, what it’s doing, etc…or do they kind of lose control over it once it’s created? And my biggest curiosity: what’s the point of it? Does the bot actually serve some kind of purpose?

In: 5

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bots are just computer programs that are told to interact with some online service, like youtube. They’re not doing anything the creator didn’t tell them to do, and they aren’t sentient. The person who deployed the bot can just shut it off when they are done. Programs have whatever purpose their creator had when making them: a bot can be used to provide services, to try and scam people, to be disruptive to others, and so on.

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