How can a company such as Twitter survive even after such a huge percentage of its workforce has been fired?


How can a company such as Twitter survive even after such a huge percentage of its workforce has been fired?

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87 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My spouse works for a similar fortune 100 firm. They are the most inefficient businesses you could possibly imagine. The tech waste is insane. Middle managers on top of middle managers on top of middle managers. Getting a single thing done takes weeks of bickering. 3 different departments working on making identical apps because the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing.

“Oh, you can’t get access to that server. Bob is in charge of that and he hates your boss and won’t let anyone on your team access that. But he’s getting transferred in 7 weeks so wait until then and the new guy will give you access. “

Yes, that actually happened.

Most of these companies can get rid of 75% of the people and get MORE done, not less.

We came from small business. We could get done in a week what it would take these dinosaurs 6 months to do. It’s insanity.

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