How can a company such as Twitter survive even after such a huge percentage of its workforce has been fired?


How can a company such as Twitter survive even after such a huge percentage of its workforce has been fired?

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87 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say I own a lemonade stand.

I’m going to have a core group of employees that procures lemons, makes the lemonade, sells the lemonade, handles the cash.

But then I’m going to have employees hired to make the stand look better, someone to improve the lemonade recipe, someone to walk around the neighborhood and hand out flyers to get people to come to the lemonade stand, maybe I have someone who talks to parents around the neighborhood to ask for investment to buy more lemons, or open up a new lemonade stand, someone to do quality control on the lemons and lemonade, someone to work with the city to ensure we have all the right permits, analysts to figure out when the best times to stay open are and which corners have the most traffic, people to manage all these extra employees to make sure their doing their jobs, HR to ensure that the employees are happy, maybe I have a division of employees trying out an orange juice stand to see if that’s profitable.

Just like in any company, there are anywhere from 25-75% more employees than you need to run your core business. However, things will start breaking, you’ll miss problems that you could have anticipated previously, and you won’t be able to expand when you’re running on a skeleton crew.

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