How can a company such as Twitter survive even after such a huge percentage of its workforce has been fired?


How can a company such as Twitter survive even after such a huge percentage of its workforce has been fired?

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87 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll use an analogy.

A city or state hires a lot of people to maintain bridges. But lets say you want to save some money because, well frankly bridges don’t fall apart that quickly. So instead of hiring 1000 people, you cut that to 200 and just do less frequent maintenance.

Doing so will not cause all the bridges in the state to just collapse. So you can get away with maybe even a few years with your cuts.

But then, cracks start showing up and suddenly you have bridges left and right that are starting to become unsafe. And you don’t have the people to restore them in good time so more and more you need to close them to traffic while you use your limited work force to play rescue worker.

Twitter like all the FAANGs is actually very well made and a robust site. Their systems being well built means that the issues with not maintaining them won’t be immediately apparent. But what happens when the leftover workers try to add things? Well, it breaks.

What happens when the systems need updates, once again, there’s no one to do it, so it breaks.

Sooner or later, the cracks will show.

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