How can a person completely lose their memory but still be able to speak a fluent language?


How can a person completely lose their memory but still be able to speak a fluent language?

In: 47

7 Answers

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It depends what parts of their brain are effected by whatever injury or illness is causing it.

My dad had a closed head injury that gave him extremely poor short term memory. He could recall stories from his childhood or describe the night he met my mom, but might forget what he was talking about a moment before, or not recall what he had done that afternoon.

He was in a support group with someone who’s head injury made he lose her ability to write. She had to relearn from scratch. She would send him letters that looked like a child wrote them.

My great grandmother, as she got old, started to have trouble recognizing even her closet family, then one day she forgot how to speak English, and could only speak German, her mother tongue.

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