How can a plane depart 45 min late, but arrive only 10 min late?


How can a plane depart 45 min late, but arrive only 10 min late?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

How fast a plane flies is relative to the speed of air around it. A plane flying in the same direction as a 50 mph gusts will travel 50 mph faster. Additionally, plane operators and schedulers make their time estimates including air traffic and the most fuel efficient route. If you run into less air traffic and burn more fuel you can arrive sooner.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They add on extra time for the estimates of the flight time to give a little cushion against delays. The longer the flight, the more time they tack on. That’s why you can leave late and still arrive “on time.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

The flight time has some padding built in, airplane can fly faster (but burn more fuel) to make up time

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was flying for an airline we would often have to slow down or refuse shortcuts to prevent arriving *too* early. If you arrive more than about 10 minutes early often the gate won’t be available or the ground crew won’t be there. Then you just sit on the tarmac waiting, which customers hate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I flew fro. Portland Oregon to Albuquerque New Mexico today. Plane was delayed 40 minutes into Portland. We got to Albuquerque on time due to a 150 mph tail wind.