How can a video game like Tears of the Kingdom take only 18 GB’s of space?


I understand that the game is on par with Gen 7 hardware but even some of those games like GTA 5 sported 60+ files sizes. Not to mention current games with 150+ sizes.

In: 270

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Reduce – all cinematics are in-engine, so no video files were needed.

Reuse – the textures In-game are *constantly* reused all over the place, often in ways that you don’t notice until you do.

Recycle – At least from what I’ve seen, many textures were pulled from Breath of the Wild, and were already optimized for the platform. They likely tried any further optimizations on the models/textures they already had and further reduced their size for Tears.

Tears may be a large game, but it’s not trying to be as detailed and graphically intensive as, say, BG3, which is where a *lot* of games get bulked up from.

You can even see this for yourself if you have a decently-sized game library – Look at the download size of games in the same genre/scope and compare graphical fidelity between them. You’ll see a pattern real quick.

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