How can algorithms predict human behavior, sometimes even better than we know ourselves? From shopping habits to potential health risks, what are the underlying principles that allow machines to seemingly understand the intricacies of the human condition?


We often hear about algorithms that can forecast our preferences, suggest products, or even detect health issues before they become apparent. How can a machine, which doesn’t have consciousness or feelings, accurately predict something so complex as human behavior? I’m fascinated by this intersection of technology and psychology and would love to hear from anyone who can shed light on the mysterious ways these algorithms seem to ‘know’ us. What’s happening behind the scenes that makes this possible?

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many others have commented on aspects of pattern recognition and large data samples.

I’ll also note that as humans, sometimes our actual behaviors are a lot different than what we think they should be. Observing “actual” behavior provides much better data than asking people how they think they ought to behave.

There’s plenty of examples, but my neighborhood is great at demonstrating this. I live in an affluent neighborhood, filled with plenty of “love is love, all lives matter, we’re all human, etc etc.” signs. How do you think the neighborhood voted when multi family, county supported housing was proposed? Likewise, at one point everyone vehemently supported speed humps to slow traffic and “save the children!” That is, until the plans were released and the jumps were in front of their house.

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