As far as I understood every person who owns a stock can join the general meeting and vote about the company. How is that if somebody bought a single stock online? Apple has 15 billion shares. Even if every shareholder owned 1 million shares that would still be 15k people. How are they going to count who owns what?
edit: my question is not how they can house 15k people. i am asking how they can count the votes and make sure you bought a vote. if you bought some shares on a random trading site like []( or robinhood how are you going to prove that you actually bought it? is there a vote button on robinhood?
In: Economics
I own single digit numbers of shares of various companies. I get letters in the mail occasionally telling me I can vote with the attached QR code.
Just last week I got one from Pfizer and one from my credit union, which I also own shares in as a result of being a member.
I presume that my brokerage passes that information along digitally. I don’t see why it would be an issue for a computer to keep track of.
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