How can DNA or cells store information/instructions?


How can a cell store information and instructions on how to build a body or do anything at all? I mean it is a cell i don’t get how can it send detailed instructions on how a human body works or where to put the brain or things like that lol
Such as when a women is pregnant how can a cell literally build another human being knowing exactly that it needs 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes a nose, fingers and everything to be in place?

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2 Answers

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This is a really complex topic for a 5-year-old. But the basic version is that DNA uses four different letters to make a bunch of three letter words. The combination of those three letter words form the instructions about how to do everything. Human DNA stores about 215 GB of data which is the equivalent to about 145,770,000 pages of information. You can pack a lot of info into 150 million pages. Though to be fair a lot of the data doesn’t actually code anything.

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