How can it be that films in 1000 fps are slow-motion but when you play a game and the fps varies from lets say 60-250 it doesn’t get “slower” the closer you get to the 250?


Because you would then assume that higher fps = slowmotion / slower image

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9 Answers

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You are confusing recording speed and playback speed.

Normally, you want the recording speed and playback speed to be the same. If you record a video at 30 FPS, then you also want to play it at 30 FPS. This is what happens when you play a videogame – if the videogame is at 60 FPS, then the images are created at 60 FPS and played at 60 FPS.

If you playback at a slower framerate than the recorded frame rate, then the video is shown in slow motion. For example if I record a video at 60 FPS and they play it back at 30 FPS, then it would take two seconds to play each second of the original video.

When you see a “1000 FPS” video, it means that the video was *shot* at 1000 FPS, but is now played back at 30 or 60 FPS, resulting in slow motion.

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