My best friend just made a copy of our apartment key. She was pretty sure the machine messed up because the key was cut very different from the original. To her surprise, it still opened our front door. How is this possible?
Assuming it may have something to do with the height or order of how the pins in the lock open/fall?
In: Other
Look up lock picking videos online to see how locks are operated. An apartment building is most likely using a master key system where the super has one key that works all the door locks in the building. Because who wants to carry a 100 key ring like high school custodians.
What may have happened is thru sheer randomness, wear of the lock (or poor design), your friend’s key may have a combination of master and tenant wafers that work in your lock.
As long as any of the shear lines line up, the tumbler will turn. The key has no way of knowing or caring if the key in the lock is the “master” or “tenant” key.
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