How can mass produced products like Salsa taste the same every time when the vegetables they contain have so many variables?


How can mass produced products like Salsa taste the same every time when the vegetables they contain have so many variables?

In: 6819

22 Answers

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Several reasons:

**Quality Control:** This means many things: They only pick vegetables that fall within a certain range of characteristics. They adjust the formulation and/or process based on the available materials. And they constantly test during the process to make sure the final product is going to have the corrected taste.

**Law of averages.** You buy two tomatoes, one may be sweeter than the other, the other more acidic. But, when your recipe calls for 30,000 gallons of tomatoes it tends to average out.

**Specific suppliers:** You can always buy from a specific supplier that produces the vegetable to your specifications.

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