How can mass produced products like Salsa taste the same every time when the vegetables they contain have so many variables?


How can mass produced products like Salsa taste the same every time when the vegetables they contain have so many variables?

In: 6819

22 Answers

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Imagine two people singing, one who is good(on key) one who is bad (off key). The resulting sound will be the average between them, so it will never sound as good as the good singer, but also not as bad as the bad singer.

Now add 20 more people, and you will find that the singing now sounds pretty good regardless of the quality of each individual singer. Just like with two singers the quality regresses towards the average.

With large groups the average off key in either direction cancels out and regresses to on key. So in large enough groups you often end up with a decent quality of singing.

Same with making food stuffs. The food that is maybe a little to bitter, or a little to sweet will cancel each other out leaving the most average taste.

So you don’t get stunning quality, but you get consistent quality

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