How can movies from 70s be remastered in 4K, but not sports games?


For example, they remastered Taxi Driver from 1976 to 4K Quality, but they can’t remaster Lakers vs Celtics from the 80s?

In: Technology

10 Answers

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It all depends on what the original footage was recorded on.

Old movies were recorded on film stock, which can potentially have quality equivalent to incredibly high resolutions.

Most broadcast media (if it has been saved at all) was saved on things like VHS or betamax tapes – these have a fixed resolution, as they were only ever intended to be displayed on a TV (which had a set amount of pixels on the screen).

So you can do back to something recorded on film, and make a more detailed higher quality scan, but there is only a limited amount of quality available on tape.

It is worth noting that not all old film will be of good quality, and capable of being displayed nicely at 4k+ resolutions – a higher sensitivity film stock, or earlier emulsions will be limited in resolution and detail, so scanning them at high resolution won’t really provide any big benefits.

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