How can people interact with each other instantly in games?


Someone can be in New York and another person in Sydney or something like that and be interacting with each other instantly from across the world. How can we connect so fast and how does the connection know to keep that connection with just me and him and not get interrupted

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4 Answers

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In addition to the data signals being quick as other people have said, games will “cheat” to reduce the amount of back and forth.

For example, in the case of you running, and your friend shooting at you, the game may only send the signal of you running sideways.

But, in terms of animation, it’s possible that your right leg is in front, but on your friends screen your left leg is in front due to unsynced animation.

Furthermore, hit confirmation is usually only handled on your friends computer. When firing the gun, the bullet collision and math is only your friends computer. You only get “I was hit” recieved on your end.

This is why sometimes you might think you’re hidden behind a corner, but got shot. On your computer you made it around the corner, but on your friend’s end, you had not yet made it.

This is also where rubberbanding and other weird net code artifacts come from.

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