How can people interact with each other instantly in games?


Someone can be in New York and another person in Sydney or something like that and be interacting with each other instantly from across the world. How can we connect so fast and how does the connection know to keep that connection with just me and him and not get interrupted

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4 Answers

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The thing is, it is not quite instant but it is fast enough to seem that way, because electricity travels fast enough to cover the distance in microseconds.

If you have 50ms ping, you have a delay of about 1/10th of a second due to the channel being both ways. So hardly perceivable in a moving environment.
Most connections are much faster than this so even less perceivable.

You say “Hi” or press a button.

1/20th of a second later, they see/hear your action and start to react to it.

1/20th of a second later, you see/hear their response to your action.

Back in the good ol days before broadband was a thing, audio delays could be roughly 1 second depending on how good your line was (attenuation). This was very noticeable when speaking to people at any moderate distance.

To answer the HOW IT KNOWS part…..

When you play a game together, you are both logging in to a server which sets up the connection to hold you/them in the loop.

Like when fortnite is loading and it says “Establishing Connection”.
It is doing just that, and the server then monitors all actions in real time between all parties.

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