how can skateboarders jump off of high surfaces like buildings and over stairs without breaking their legs?


how can skateboarders jump off of high surfaces like buildings and over stairs without breaking their legs?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called legs. I would love to talk about technique, but that’s not the real prerequisite for those stunts.

The real deal is that people that jump as a hobby, develop pretty powerful legs.

Example: Me, snowboarder, met a friend of a friend which is a former pro.

We were relaxed and just jumping for fun, he joined. Minutes later, he did a rodeo!! off a rail!! 4 meter high!! landing on flat packed snow in a parking lot below. Any of us would have broken both legs trying that. I wasn’t surprised he was that agile, I was surprised he had enough legs to absorb that landing. That was a true leg breaking stunt, 4 meters free fall onto flat packed terrain.

Yes proper technique is a thing, but all in all, it won’t make that much kinetic energy disappear. You have to absorb the hit, phisically, period.

Absorbing 4 meters of fall onto flat, with your legs is not something you can get away with, unless you are incredibly fit. Any of us could have done a rodeo off a rail, none of us would have survived the 4 meter drop onto flat.

To be clear, we call flat whatever landing in which you don’t have a slope on the landing. Your vertical speed can’t be transformed into forward motion. If you can land on slope, then techniques may be enough, but that’s a different story and everyone can potentially do it without any strength, and is not what you are asking I guess.

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