How can smoking cigars damage your lungs if you don’t inhale the smoke?


How can smoking cigars damage your lungs if you don’t inhale the smoke?

In: 23

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mouth and nose cancer. Cancer of the eye or face. Cancer of your blood. Cancer or any part of your body that keeps it functioning at tip top condition.
Any cancer could mean that there is a potentiality for it to go somewhere else in your body.

I hope you’re young – and I could advise toward you to avoid. But at the same time I didn’t.

Smoke lingers in the mouth – your saliva will gather at the back of the throat. The smoke and carcinogens are captured by your snot and held.

Cancer doesn’t care mate.
Hates all of us equally.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a myth that when you smoke a cigar you don’t inhaled it smoke. The goal is not to inhale the smoke, but people still inhale some smoke.

You may try not to inhale the smoke, but regardless of your best efforts you’re still going to inhale some of it.

Even if you could actually perfectly exhale all the smoke every time out of both your nose and mouth before you inhale again, the air around you is still going to be filled with some level of smoke.

The really simple answer is there’s no such thing as not inhaling the smoke.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can inhaling smoke damage your lungs if it doesn’t touch your blood?

Anonymous 0 Comments

You still inhale some smoke. People die from second-hand smoke. Just breathing normally with a cigar close to you has some risk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trust me, smoke and crap will still make its way down there one way or another. Maybe nowhere near as much as an inhaled cigarette, but still there

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can get cancer from second hand smoke, no?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say I stand directly next to you while you smoke a cigar I’m going to inhale a good amount of smoke just from proximity. Do you think you’re going to inhale more or less smoke than me?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait, you are NOT supposed to inhale it to your lungs?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Secondhand smoke, for one. Even if you don’t inhale the smoke while the cigar is in your mouth, it’s still just floating ambiently around you.

And people do obviously inhale a little bit anyway. It’d be difficult and annoying not to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s funny if someone smokes in my apartment, I keep an air purifier for allergies.
That thing ramps up even if I can’t notice the smoke from the other room. You’re still inhaling stuff for sure.