How can someone DDOS servers of multibillion dollar company (Blizzard) and how hard is to track the person who does it?


Ok so like two days in a row there is someone DDOSing Blizzard WoW classic servers.

How can someone does this to such a big company? They have so many resources. And how hard is it to track the person who does this? I rly dont understand why would anyone do this in a first place, will the person go to jail for this or is it “untrackable”?

In: Technology

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

basically think of it like this. theres a big open room, inside this room there are several doors these doors make up the different servers, a DDOS attack is like someone gathering 10,000 people into the room and them all rushing the doors at the same time, they block the doorways and make it impossible for anybody else to get through.

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