How can space itself expand? Isn’t space the lack of matter, the area in between matter?

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How can nothing expand? Isn’t space made of nothing? You can’t have 5 pounds of space.

In: Physics

10 Answers

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Space is just the thing matter exists in. When you draw something, you need a place to draw on. The paper is that space. Its not “nothing” expanding, your paper is stretchy. We’re not quite 100% sure what is stretching that paper yet, but we know it’s happening because we can measure the increase in distance between drawings.

You can’t have 5 pounds of space because a pound is a unit of mass (and also weight, in this god forsaken system of units). Mass is a measure of how much matter there is, it’s like trying to measure how much velocity this lightbulb is shining with. It just doesn’t make sense, it’s the wrong unit. Space does, however, have *volume*. You *can* have 5 ft^3 of space. When something expands, it doesn’t change in mass, it changes in volume. It gets bigger, not necessarily heavier.

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