How can the oresund bridge stand?


How could they build it that is reaches the bottom of the water?

In: 1

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The bridge above water has support pillars that go to the waterbed. At its deepest the oresund is only 40m so It has no issues standing. The bridge and tunnel meet at an artificial island, its not all one structure if thats what you meant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The water is certainly a lot deeper than a swimming pool, but the waters in that region are not as deep as the ocean. Generally the water is less than 40m deep. That is about the height of a 10-12 story building. The bridge itself tops out at 209m. So the total height is less than 250m.

That is high but many skyscrapers today go above 250m – the tallest is actually over 800m. By modern construction standards it isn’t super high. Of course the bridge is still a difficult and complex construction.