How can there actually be more than 3 spatial dimensions?


I’ve heard about this idea a lot, but on the flip side it doesn’t seem to make sense. Us as 3D beings can’t naturally encounter 2D things, just representations of them (drawings etc), but nothing in the real world that has just 2 dimensions. So how could it be possible for there to be 4 (or more) dimensions?

In: 3

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ahh, not sure there is a ELI5 answer but high school maths def.

How hard was it to move in algebra from x, to x y to x y z?

And how do you create them?

X is a dot anywhere along a line.

X y is a dot inside a square

X y z is a dot inside a cube

You can draw all these no problems, but equally you do not need to draw them the math works, adding u v w to the mix still works in the math you just cant visualize it in a 3D plane.

The same goes for imaginary numbers, they dont exist and yet they can help solve and provide real answers.

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