The same way you are able to see normally. Many people confuse the eyes for digital cameras. Like the eyes record a video. But that’s not how the brain works. What you *see* is actually a real time generated 3D image your brain has created. Think of it as the difference between watching a YouTube video of someone playing a video game vs actually playing the game. The YouTube video will appear flat compared to playing the video game because the YouTube video is just a recording of a 3D image. Whereas the game is you seeing the 3D image being generated in real time.
When you think of it this way, your brain being able to generate separate images, and sounds is pretty expected and not all that extraordinary. I mean the brain already has the hardware to do it. You need that hardware to navigate the world and make senseof reality. It’s just the brain using the same hardware but relying on memory and instinct for image and sound generation rather then the real time data it’s getting from your eyes and ears.
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