How can we know that there were dinosaurs millions years ago? How do we know how they looked?


How can we know that there were dinosaurs millions years ago? How do we know how they looked?

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12 Answers

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We have an extremely good idea of the age of each layer of stuff beneath our feet. Fossils found in each of these layers tell us when the animal lived. The type of geology also tells us a TON about the environment said fossil was alive during… slate means highly organic, limestone means ocean or deep water, and various depositional patterns tell us winds and water movements. We then make guesses as to their soft tissue based on their environment and how present day animals look today. That said we don’t actually know what dinosaurs looked like and only recently realized most bipedal carnivores were more like birds with feathers than reptiles with scales.

My favorite fact is T-Rex lived closer I’m time to the pyramids than they did to stegosaurus.

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