How can windows task manager close frozen program which we cant by clicking on close button?


How can windows task manager close frozen program which we cant by clicking on close button?

In: 27

58 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Pressing the close button kinda just asks the problem to close, and the program adds “close program” to the end of the list of tasks it needs to do. When it is frozen it can’t complete your request, because it is stuck at a previous task and cannot get to the “close program” task on the list. The task manager forces the program to close by overwriting all of the tasks in the program’s to-do list and just forces the program to close without saving data to the disk

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pressing the close button kinda just asks the problem to close, and the program adds “close program” to the end of the list of tasks it needs to do. When it is frozen it can’t complete your request, because it is stuck at a previous task and cannot get to the “close program” task on the list. The task manager forces the program to close by overwriting all of the tasks in the program’s to-do list and just forces the program to close without saving data to the disk

Anonymous 0 Comments

Close button asks the program to close itself. And it obviously doesn’t happen if the program is freezed.

Task Manager asks the operating system to close the program, without regard to its wishes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Close button asks the program to close itself. And it obviously doesn’t happen if the program is freezed.

Task Manager asks the operating system to close the program, without regard to its wishes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clicking the Close button inside the program is asking it politely to please get its things and leave your house. It can say no.

Closing it through the Task Manager is physically throwing it out of your house without letting it get its shoes first. It can’t stop you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clicking the Close button inside the program is asking it politely to please get its things and leave your house. It can say no.

Closing it through the Task Manager is physically throwing it out of your house without letting it get its shoes first. It can’t stop you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Using task manager is the equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the socket. Whether or not it’s running, you’re making sure it’s not by forcefully ending its ability to run.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clicking the close button attempts to execute the programs shut down procedure (save data to disk, remove info from memory, stop execution, etc). Most of the time it can’t because it’s currently stuck in some loop trying to execute another command so the close command is stuck in queue.

The end task command is windows override which bypasses the softwares commands. It will take the space the program is currently occupying in the CPU and memory and just clear it.

It’s like asking a broken down car to move from the road versus using a tow truck.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Using task manager is the equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the socket. Whether or not it’s running, you’re making sure it’s not by forcefully ending its ability to run.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clicking the close button attempts to execute the programs shut down procedure (save data to disk, remove info from memory, stop execution, etc). Most of the time it can’t because it’s currently stuck in some loop trying to execute another command so the close command is stuck in queue.

The end task command is windows override which bypasses the softwares commands. It will take the space the program is currently occupying in the CPU and memory and just clear it.

It’s like asking a broken down car to move from the road versus using a tow truck.

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