How can windows task manager close frozen program which we cant by clicking on close button?


How can windows task manager close frozen program which we cant by clicking on close button?

In: 27

58 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of your computer as a bus. All of the people on the bus are programs.

The bus driver is one of the people on the bus, and the bus driver has both a special job to do (make the bus go) and has special authority over the other people on the bus.

Everybody who isn’t the bus driver (all other programs) has to interact with the bus driver in order to get on the bus, ride the bus, and get off the bus when they’re done riding.

Now think of a program freezing on your computer as a rider misbehaving on the bus. At that point, nothing any of the other riders do is going to make that person stop misbehaving.

The bus driver has special privileges, though, and one of those privileges is to force riders to exit the bus. Sometimes the bus driver acts on their own, detecting that a rider has misbehaved, and forcing that rider off the bus. Other times, though, it’s not as obvious to the bus driver, and so a passenger has to go tell the bus driver that there is a passenger misbehaving.

When you click the close button on an individual program (a bus rider), you are politely asking that rider to stop what they’re doing and exit the bus. When you click the End Task button in Windows Task Manager, you’re asking the bus driver to unceremoniously yeet that rider off the bus.

(Also in this bus analogy, sometimes things go so wrong on the bus that the bus driver just drives off a cliff and kills everybody.)

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