How can windows task manager close frozen program which we cant by clicking on close button?


How can windows task manager close frozen program which we cant by clicking on close button?

In: 27

58 Answers

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Hitting the close button tells the program to close. If it isn’t responding, the the close command never gets processed.

Using task manager to close the program tells the operating system to close the program. The OS has significantly more priority and power than the program does. As long as the OS itself is responding, it should be able to comply.

While the OS will be able to more reliably close, it should be avoided when not necessary because it is a “less graceful” close. In many programs you’d have some semblance of a progress save process prior to closing, and the OS basically just kills it regardless of save state (somewhat literally, the actual command the OS issues has _kill_ right in the name).

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