How can you look through a 3 meter glass wall but not through a 0,1mm tin foil?


Always asked myself this…

Physician friend explained that to me but i dont get it, thats why ELI5…

In: 333

13 Answers

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Glass is transparent and tin foil is opaque. Light passes through transparent things but bounces off opaque things

So, if you’re looking though 3m glass, light will bounce off objects on the other side, pass though the glass, and enter your eyes, thus you see the objects on the other side as light bounces off them and goes into your eyes

If you’re looking at tinfoil, light will bounce off objects on the other side, but then bounce back off the tinfoil and never reach your eyes. Light from the other side (Where you’re standing) will bounce off the tinfoil and enter your eyes, hence you will see the tin foil, but not what’s behind it

You can only see light that is able to reach your eyes

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