How come all alcoholics are not extremely overweight?


Alcoholic drinks have a shit ton of calories, but I personally know many skinny people who drink an insane amount of beer & liquor. Even if they didn’t eat anything, the calories from the drinking alone should be enough for them to put on weight. How come they don’t? Does the body lose it’s ability to take in the energy properly if it’s mostly coming from alcohol?

In: 1535

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am an extreme alcoholic who is 11 months sober. Extreme, prolonged alcoholism can actually prevent your body from absorbing nutrients, and make you lose weight. I was drinking nearly a half gallon of vodka a day, and I developed neuropathy and ataxia, partly because alcohol is a neurotoxin that deteriorates your brain, and also because my body had become deprived of vitamin b-12 for a dangerously long period.

I lost an incredible amount of weight due to alcoholism, and I ate nothing but fast-food and processed/canned foods, well above my recommended daily calorie intake.

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