How come all alcoholics are not extremely overweight?


Alcoholic drinks have a shit ton of calories, but I personally know many skinny people who drink an insane amount of beer & liquor. Even if they didn’t eat anything, the calories from the drinking alone should be enough for them to put on weight. How come they don’t? Does the body lose it’s ability to take in the energy properly if it’s mostly coming from alcohol?

In: 1535

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Severe alcoholics often drink mainly hard liquor and don’t eat very much. Liquor is mainly water and alcohol so, compared to something like beer, it doesn’t contain that many calories per unit of alcohol.

For instance, 100 g of vodka is about 230 Calories, so a whole 750-ml bottle (25 fl oz, or”a fifth”) contains about 1700 Calories. Drinking a bottle of vodka a day is rather severe alcoholism, but still leaves a healthy-weight average adult man with about 800 calories of food he can eat without gaining weight. Overweight people burn more calories anyway (just being alive) so they can eat more than that without gaining further weight.

That being said, there are plenty of heavy drinkers who do gain weight from their drinking habit, especially if their drink of choice is beer.

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