How come cab over trucks or European trucks manage to have a good weight balance despite having a big cab at the front?


Im thinking Scania and Volvo trucks have this massive cab in the front but just wheels at the back, how can this be a possible weight balance? How come the front doesnt just tip over? How much does the cab actually weigh? Also its possible to tip the entire cab forwards revealing the engine beneath it and it still wont tip over. I rly dont understand how this is possible.

In: 3

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, I’m no expert, but I think the weight balance in cab-over trucks is achieved through clever engineering

The heavy cab is positioned directly above the front axle, which helps distribute the weight evenly

Additionally, the engine and other heavy components are placed low in the chassis, adding stability

It’s pretty fascinating how they manage to make it work!

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