how come cellphone/external batteries explode but regular double A/triple A batteries don’t?


Like cell phone batteries, Tesla batteries, electric bikes and so on have potential battery issues but not your triple/double A batteries?

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12 Answers

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Basically it boils down to something called “thermal runaway.” Batteries heat up when they’re discharging. It’s a fact of physics, you can’t get away from it. Most chemical reactions also occur more rapidly when warmer than they do when cooler.

Lithium based batteries store a lot of energy. If the energy is extracted too fast they heat up enough that they will start *spontaneously* reacting and releasing even more energy, which has nowhere to go except hot. And now the battery is even hotter which makes it even easier to react. And now your battery is on fire.

Regular old AA/AAA batteries don’t hold much power for their mass and the chemistry isn’t nearly as prone to thermal runaway. They’re more likely to have seals fail and just leak acid.

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