how come cellphone/external batteries explode but regular double A/triple A batteries don’t?


Like cell phone batteries, Tesla batteries, electric bikes and so on have potential battery issues but not your triple/double A batteries?

In: 5

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different chemistries.

AA/AAA batteries use metals like nickel, carbon, zinc and manganese in their chemistry.

Cell phones / powerbanks / Teslas use batteries based on lithium chemistry.

Lithium is very volatile. Exposure to water or even air can cause lithium to burst into flames. And if you have something that wants to burst into flames but it’s trapped in a container like a power bank or phone, then there’s the chance that it can burst into flames *pretty violently*, leading people to call it an “explosion” though it really isn’t.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different chemistries.

AA/AAA batteries use metals like nickel, carbon, zinc and manganese in their chemistry.

Cell phones / powerbanks / Teslas use batteries based on lithium chemistry.

Lithium is very volatile. Exposure to water or even air can cause lithium to burst into flames. And if you have something that wants to burst into flames but it’s trapped in a container like a power bank or phone, then there’s the chance that it can burst into flames *pretty violently*, leading people to call it an “explosion” though it really isn’t.