How come dinosaurs like the titanosaur grow to such large size, when animals like the elephant cant grow larger due to the square cube law?


As far as i know, there arent bigger animals around today due to the square-cube law, and yet their were dinosaurs the size of whales on land?

In: 906

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I guess a question is what advantage does being large provide, when in certain environmental conditions it does?

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have to accept that dinosaurs did exist, and then figure out why and how. Start with the evidence, then the question, then the research.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Scrolling through, it seems like a very important fact is missing. As humans migrated throughout the world, megafauna populations collapsed and then disappeared for late Pleistocene animals like giant ground sloths, glyptodon, mastodons, mamut, etc. These large animals were hunted for resources or killed to extinction because humans were prey animals to many of them. There were many more large land animals alive a little over 10,000 years ago than there are today.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Synapsid bone structure is quite different from diapsid so it’s important to remember that the largest dinosaurs were more like birds structurally than mammals

Anonymous 0 Comments

Adding a little bit of fun extra info as a bonus to what others have said: the blue whale is the largest animal to ever exist.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Weren’t wooly mammoths bigger than current-day elephants?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Iirc there was higher levels of oxygen at the time of most of that megafauna. You can see it with the larger insects too since the square cube law has a proportional level to the O2 levels

Anonymous 0 Comments

They had more oxygen in the air back then,so their lungs would just have more oxygen intake,so more energy