How come drinks like fruit punch or koolaid stain your tongue but not cheeks?


How come drinks like fruit punch or koolaid stain your tongue but not cheeks?

In: 25

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Cells in and around the taste buds (usually dead cells) trap color more and easier and is held in place by the taste buds. Cheeks don’t have that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The human tongue has many small raises papillae, mainly of four types – foliate, filiform, fungiform and circumvallate. The most numerous of these are the filiform papillae which give the tongue it’s characteristic rough appearance. This causes them to hold the colour.

Btw each fungiform (big) papilla has a taste bud on top of it, so you can count your papillae and see if you are a super taster or not