How come horses were so common all over the world in the past


I recently watched a documentary about a brief history of each continent when I noticed horses were really common everywhere for an example Genghis khan in Asia, Saladin in Africa, natives in North and South America and all over Europe too. I know they’ve been brought with settlers to Australia because it was mentioned in the documentary but what about the other continents ?

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39 Answers

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Horses were dumber and faster than donkeys.

Very good for dangerous work.

A donkey won’t do certain things because is smarter and does smell danger.

You can take a horse and make it do whatever you want, with some training, even charge into spears.

This said, early horses were very small. That’s why they were used for chariots but not for riding.

Later, by breeding, humans made horses to be bigger than donkeys and later even bigger than cows. At that point, horses were strong and big enough to carry a man into battle or to carry a man plus some 30-50kg of cargo, it became the perfect companion for most jobs.

An animal that useful can’t be ignored by a civilization.

American natives took the horse idea from the colonist and became very quickly a fearsome cavalry army. That’s a prime example on how fast a civ can take horses and put them to use.

Plus horses are vegan so you don’t have to carry food for them. Dogs need a lot more expensive “supply chain” to work.

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