How come horses were so common all over the world in the past


I recently watched a documentary about a brief history of each continent when I noticed horses were really common everywhere for an example Genghis khan in Asia, Saladin in Africa, natives in North and South America and all over Europe too. I know they’ve been brought with settlers to Australia because it was mentioned in the documentary but what about the other continents ?

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39 Answers

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Natives in North and South America did not have horses until settlers brought them to the Americas.

Before cars were invented animals were used to haul and for riding. Horses were some of the best animals domesticated for these purposes. They were first domesticated in Asia, and then said domestication spread to Europe and Africa because their domestication was a great advantage. It allowed people to travel faster and farther in a day, it allowed them to carry more things by having saddle bags or having the horse pull a wagon. It allowed for more crops to be planted by the horse pulling farming equipment. Etc. Their usefulness to humans was why they spread everywhere, we literally took them everywhere.

Australia and the Americas got their horses when settlers came and brought the horses with them. As for the Native American Tribes getting horses. They either traded for them, or they captured feral horses that escaped from European Settlers, or where purposefully released by European Settlers to establish herd populations that future settlers could then re-domesticate. The Spanish in particular where prone to doing that with animals such as horses, cattle, goats, pigs, etc.

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