How come horses were so common all over the world in the past


I recently watched a documentary about a brief history of each continent when I noticed horses were really common everywhere for an example Genghis khan in Asia, Saladin in Africa, natives in North and South America and all over Europe too. I know they’ve been brought with settlers to Australia because it was mentioned in the documentary but what about the other continents ?

In: 756

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Theres a reason we measure the power output of ICEs with “Horsepower”

Internal Combustion Engines are the modern version of a horse.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think their prevalence is because they were incredibly useful to our ancestors so they brought them with them everything they went.

As a side note, horses aren’t native to North America. I found this hard to believe cause I’d always seen images of native Americans riding horses but truth is they got the horses from white settlers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Erm… transportation? Ever heard the phrase work horse?

Anonymous 0 Comments

There were no horses on America continents. Europeans brought them to America and the first ppl who met them were scared. They lost their battles because of this.

Jared M. Diamond
“Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies”

Anonymous 0 Comments

You ever tried carrying loads of stuff long distances…?

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are incredibly useful? So they spread everywhere that humans did?

Anonymous 0 Comments

very useful animals. best land transport & can eat what humans can’t. perfect nomad creature.

Anonymous 0 Comments

North America never had native horses. They were introduced by Europeans. Tomatoes were exclusively North American and went the other way

Anonymous 0 Comments

They definitely were not all over the world. For example,the Americas didn’t originally have them, they were brought there.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Useful animal, especially for the steppe, when it was domesticated it spread really easily as people were just starting to settle and form more advanced societies. Allowing for easy transportation and labour in agroculture.