How come if I close exactly one eye I see nothing..Not black, but if I close both I see black and not “Nothing”?


How come if I close exactly one eye I see nothing..Not black, but if I close both I see black and not “Nothing”?

In: 26

7 Answers

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Your brain interprets the images from both eyes together. You can’t see a combination of both “black” and “something” so the blackness gets ignored. Similarly if you put your hand in front of one eye– if you focus on the blocked eye, it appears that you can see through your hand because your brain is mixing the two images together.

However, if you close both your eyes, you’re literally just seeing black because a negligible amount of light gets through your eyelids. It’s very similar to trying to see in the dark. It’s not that there’s nothing there, just too little light for your brain to make a meaningful image.

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